Combo: Frida Selkirk Full Collection
Combo: Frida Selkirk Full Collection
Introducing the fashion forward collection from Sweden's premier nail stylist and biggest trendsetter, Frida Selkirk. Four models with a nude base together with timeless black and white elements offering sharp contrasts. Get all four models of Frida's unique and limited collection!
Make the Switch to Press-on Nails
If you’re looking for a quick and easy solution or beautiful eco friendly nails, look no further!
✓ Easy & fast application
✓ Salon-quality results
✓ Non-toxic & non-damaging
✓ Reusable nails
Our press-on nails are made of recycled ABS-plastic with a design and gel topcoat on top to give the impression of a salon gel manicure! When it comes to our models with a painted design that differs from the base color, we recommend using your favorite topcoat on top to avoid wear and tear so that you can reuse your nails on multiple occasions. With the right application and fit, you can get a long-lasting result for up to 1-2 weeks!
All of our nails have been carefully developed to look realistic and like you've spent hours in the nail salon. We use the "European" style when it comes to structure, where the apex (the highest point) is placed further back on the nail and the nail comes straight out from the finger and slightly upwards when looking from the side, instead of pointing downwards.
Introducing the fashion forward collection from Sweden's premier nail stylist and biggest trendsetter, Frida Selkirk. Four models with a nude base together with timeless black and white elements offering sharp contrasts. Get all four models of Frida's unique and limited collection!
Introducing the fashion forward collection from Sweden's premier nail stylist and biggest trendsetter, Frida Selkirk. Four models with a nude base together with timeless black and white elements offering sharp contrasts. Get all four models of Frida's unique and limited collection!
Make the Switch to Press-on Nails
If you’re looking for a quick and easy solution or beautiful eco friendly nails, look no further!
✓ Easy & fast application
✓ Salon-quality results
✓ Non-toxic & non-damaging
✓ Reusable nails
Our press-on nails are made of recycled ABS-plastic with a design and gel topcoat on top to give the impression of a salon gel manicure! When it comes to our models with a painted design that differs from the base color, we recommend using your favorite topcoat on top to avoid wear and tear so that you can reuse your nails on multiple occasions. With the right application and fit, you can get a long-lasting result for up to 1-2 weeks!
All of our nails have been carefully developed to look realistic and like you've spent hours in the nail salon. We use the "European" style when it comes to structure, where the apex (the highest point) is placed further back on the nail and the nail comes straight out from the finger and slightly upwards when looking from the side, instead of pointing downwards.
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- 90 Negler
- 180 Limtabletter
- 3 Neglefiler
- 3 Verktøy for neglebånd
- 6 Spritservietter
✔ Utviklet av en profesjonell negletekniker
✔ Enkel og rask påføring
✔ Resultater av salongkvalitet
✔ Giftfri og ikke-skadelig
✔ Vegansk og fri for grusomhet
✔ Laget av resirkulert materiale
- Vask hendene og tørk dem helt.
- Skyv neglebåndene tilbake med neglebåndsverktøyet.
- Poler neglene med neglefilen.
- Desinfiser neglene med spritservietten.
- Velg en limtab som passer til hele neglen, og påfør den.
- PVelg en press-på-negl som passer til din naturlige negl, og påfør den ved å skyve basen litt inn under neglebåndene, brette den ned og trykke på neglen i ca. 10-20 sekunder.
- Gjenta for alle neglene!
- Du finner detaljerte trinn-for-trinn-instruksjoner og en video på vår instruksjonsside.
- Kan neglene gjenbrukes?
- Kan jeg justere neglene?
Absolutt, du kan file neglene med den medfølgende neglefilen og bruke klistremerker eller neglelakk hvis du vil tilpasse dem. Husk at neglelakkfjerner inneholder stoffer som er laget for å løse opp plast, og som også kan løse opp designet på press-på-neglen.
- Er produktene deres veganske?
Ja, alle produktene våre er 100% veganske og alltid grusomhetsfrie!
- Hvor lenge holder neglene?
Med riktig påsetting og passform kan press-on-neglene holde i opptil 1-2 uker. Hvis du merker at en limflik begynner å løsne, er det bare å fjerne den og erstatte den med en ny. Etter 2 uker anbefaler vi at du setter på nye limfliker selv om de sitter igjen på dine egne negler. Selve neglene er laget for å brukes flere ganger, og hvor lenge de holder avhenger av livsstilen din og hvor godt du tar vare på press-på-neglene.

Trinn 1: Prep
File & sanitise your nails with the alcohol wipes
Trinn 2: Limtabletter
Apply the Gluetabs
Trinn 3: Press-on's
Apply the Press-on nails
Trinn 4: Ferdig
Show off your new nails to the world!