
Black French Warm

Black French Warm

249 kr
Square/ Short
Size Guide

New shape: Our newest addition in models that are here on a temporary visit. Perfect for those who feel that our current Square model is too short and need a longer nail to cover the entire nail bed. And what is not more classic than a French manicure! Here with our popular base color “Warm” and a black tip. A style that works just as well at work, as on the After Work or on vacation.

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  • 30 Nails
  • 60 Gluetabs
  • 1 Nail file
  • 1 Cuticle stick
  • 2 Alcohol wipes

✔ Developed by a professional nail tech

✔ Easy & fast application

✔ Salon-quality results

✔ Non-damaging & Non-toxic

✔ Vegan & cruelty free

✔ Made of recycled material

  • Wash your hands and dry completely.
  • Push back your cuticles with the cuticle tool.
  • Buff your nails with the nail file.
  • Sanitise your nails with the alcohol wipe.
  • Pick a gluetab that fits your entire nail and apply it.
  • Pick a press-on nail that fits your natural nail and apply it by pushing the base slightly under your cuticles, folding down and pressing on the nail for about 10-20 seconds.
  • Repeat for all nails!
  • For detailed step-by-step instructions and a video, visit our instructions page.
  1. Are the nails reusable?


  2. Can I adjust the nails?

    Absolutely, you can file the nails with the included nail file and use stickers or nail polish if you want to customize them. Keep in mind that nail polish remover contains substances that are made to dissolve plastic and can also dissolve the design of the press-on nail.

  3. Are your products vegan?

    Yes, all our products are 100% vegan and always cruelty free!

  4. How long do the nails last?

    With proper application and fit, your press on nails can last for up to 1-2 weeks. If you feel that a glue tab is starting to loosen its grip, just remove it and replace it with a new one. After 2 weeks, we recommend attaching new glue tabs even if they remain on your own nails. The nails themselves are made to be used several times and how long they last depends on your lifestyle and how well you take care of the press on nails.
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Step 1: Prep

File & sanitise your nails with the alcohol wipes

Customer Reviews

Based on 7 reviews
Gunilla Wide'n

Kanon bra längd! Särskilt lillfingret.
Hoppas nu de får stanna kvar i MÅNGA färger!

Maria Pettersson
Black french square short

Perfekt passform men jag som är van vid square extra short behöver vänja mig vid längden. Jag har fått otroligt mycket beröm för naglarna.
Ser fram mot fler färger i den här modellen.

Linda Holm
Perfekt passform

Sitter som en smäck. Lagom långa för mina nagelbäddar. Hoppas verkligen att den kommer i fler färger!

Emelie Jonasson
Helt perfekt

Helt klart den bästa passformen av alla. Alltid använt almond men detta är helt klart en ny favorit. Sitter som en smäck.

Sara Johansson

Så himla perfekta! Passform som inga andra, snygga! Älskar dom!

Bästa hittills

Jag har testat alla olika former och square extra short passade bäst på mina naglar men de var alldeles för korta. Square short sitter jättebra och jag har faktiskt beställt de med vit french också, fastän nude-färgen inte var optimal på mig. Jag skulle bli otroligt glad om denna modell kom i lite mer opaka färger också, då jag har lite problem med luftbubblor som syns igenom. Men formen är jättebra, och jag hade inte blivit ledsen om de var nån mm längre, då jag får fila ner för att få plats även under dessa. Att alla naglarna är lika långa funkar bra för mig.
Hade nude-färgen passat mig bättre (ej switch nails fel) samt att färgen varit mindre genomskinlig så hade de fått 5 stjärnor.

Snygg modell

Snygg modell med den nya längden på square. Tycker dock en varma nudefärgen upplevs lite plastig, och ev luftbubblor under syns väldigt väl. Men sitter bra!

Need help?

Talk to a professional nail tech!